Where Will The Rain Fall In The Next 10 Days
We will also look at the LRC model forecasts for April and May
Welcome to the Weather 20/20 Intelligence Report. We have moved into March and suddenly it is dry across many areas. Let’s take a look.
This first slide shows the rain and melted down snow from the past 30 days. It has been quite dry from around the North Dakota/South Dakota border extending south down the Missouri River along the Nebraska/Iowa border into Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. This dry area extends east across Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, as shown below:
There were a few strong thunderstorms on March 4th over the eastern part of this dry area. And, look at the map on the right. That is a huge warm anomaly showing the way above average temperatures.
Now, let’s compare the past 30-days, shown above, to the past 90-days, shown below: